My Warm-up



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Froning Philosophy

“I don’t have a set program. I play it by ear,” Froning says. “Man, we all do CrossFit, and we all lift heavy weights. You don’t know what the workouts are going to be, so why worry about it?”
Froning does what he does for the love of the game. The fans, the sponsors and the shoes are just a bonus. 
He says he varies the time domain of his multi-workout days greatly. He adheres to the need for constant variety and says he includes such variances as, “shooting rifles, handguns, and bow and arrows to get ready.”
Although some may criticize Froning’s training regimen, he doesn’t let it get to him. “I guess people could train smarter than me, but I won’t let anyone out work me,” he says.

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