My Warm-up



Thursday, July 12, 2012

#20 for ME (Mount Bierstadt) 14,060'

I'm getting closer to my goal every year. I was fortunate enough to spend a few days with close friends to rock climb and climb another 14er. Altitude and attitude are always factors in climbing.

Dave Pounds, Keagan Young, Phil Lakin, Mark White, & Chad Smith
Mount Bierstadt is one of Colorado’s most popular, and easiest fourteeners. Along with Mount Evans, Bierstadt is the closest 14'er to Denver. It’s not much more than an hour outside of Denver and the easiest route, the West Slopes, only requires a 3 mile, 2391 foot ascent up a class 1 trail to reach its summit. Because of its easiness and accessibility Mount Bierstadt is popular with novice peakbaggers. If you climb it during the summer months expect to share the summit with lots of other hikers. Climbing on the weekdays or on one of the South side routes will offer some solitude.

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