The top 60 men, 60 women, and 30 teams from each Region during the Open will qualify to compete at their Regional competition. The official boundaries for the 2011 CrossFit Games Regional competition can be seen in the pictures assigned to the post, with North America the featured picture, and the World map available on the right of the post.
The Regionals season will run each weekend for four weeks from May 27 through June 19. Each Regional competition will last three days. The Regional breakdown is the same as last year's outside of North America, with a few changes made to the regions of United States and Canada in light of last year's Regionals. A PDF file of the Regional divisions and dates is available here.
•May 27-29: North Central, South East, Australia, Canada West
•June 3-5: Northern California, Mid Atlantic, Canada East, Europe,
•June 10-12: North West, Central East, South West, Africa, Asia
•June 17-19: Southern California, South Central, North East, Latin America.
Remember, in order to participate in Regionals, all athletes must participate fully in the CrossFit Games Open.
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