My Warm-up



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Are You Hydrated?

Written by Gina Evans of CrossFit Ethos

Could it be dehydration? Most likely. 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated. Our Body is composed of 75% water and without proper hydration our body cannot regulate its core temperature which can lead to many consequences including fatigue, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and in some cases death. Adequate hydration is important for comfort, performance and safety.

Paul Chek makes a fantastic analogy:
“Imagine your intestines being like a river bed. When there’s a lot of water flowing through them, the fish are happy. They swim better, and the whole system works as it should. In the human body, the fish are like the digestive enzymes, which need enough water to swim about and make the whole process of digestion works as it should. If there’s not enough water, the enzymes have a hard time getting around, and that means poorer absorption of muscle-building nutrients. Keep your fish swimming effectively and drink water with every meal.”

Benefits to maintaining proper levels of hydration:

· Lubricates joints and tissues.

· We look and feel younger.

· Mental clarity gets a welcome boost.

· Our digestive system sends nutrients to each cell.

· Elimination of waste products.

· Weight control is restored. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

· Ability to handle stress is enhanced.

· Pain from aching joints is reduced.

· Overall flexibility is restored.

· Produces an effective athlete.

Look for signals that you are dehydrated.

1) Dark yellow, strong smelling urine

2) Decreased urination frequency

3) Rapid resting heart rate

4) Muscle soreness and cramping

5) Thirst (too late)

6) Headache and discomfort

7) Lethargy and chills

During a workout a 2% – 6% fluid loss is common. A 1% loss of fluid can hinder your athletic performance up to 10% . The leaner you are, the worse it is. Make sure you weigh the same or more at the end of your training session. High water levels = more sets & reps = greater changes. One significant reason to stay hydrated before, during and after your WOD.

Fluid loss as a % of bodyweight:

1% Elevation of core body temperature, impaired performance

3% significantly impaired performance

5% Cardiovascular Strain

7% Decreased ability to regulate heat

10% Heat Stroke, unconsciousness

You now have the facts about why it’s so important to stay hydrated, so let’s talk about just how much. You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces outside of any athletic activity per day. Add a WOD and any other training you will drink an additional 16oz to 20oz per hour of that activity.

Some guidelines to use:

1) Learn to read your urine. Your urine will be at its darkest on its first evacuation of the day. Clear the remainder of your day.

2) ALWAYS have a bottle of water with you. At your desk, in your car, while traveling, etc.

3) Start your regimen within 30 minutes of waking up.

4) Pre WOD – drink at least 16 oz. two hours prior to your training.

5) Post WOD – Replace fluids lost within an hour of finishing.

6) Cold water is best. Your body will better utilize water faster if it empties the stomach. Larger and colder volumes of fluid empty the stomach quicker and is more readily absorbed by the small intestine.

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