Hi Chad,
I enjoy reading your website and your posts—always very informative. Following up on your post today regarding maintaining muscle size and your training schedule, I was wondering if you could provide some more insight and details on what you eat on a daily basis and I was also curious as to whether you engage in any kind of “cheat day” or partake in “cheat meals”?
Thanks very much.

I eat good food choices(paleo) with zone portions. I don't like calling it paleo because there are some modern made foods that can be very balanced. Milk is the example I like to use. To explain this I will lay out a typical day of food and give you idea of what I eat. Most of the time I eat double protein, half carbs, and 5x fat. This is what works for me best through, my fitness and daily work schedule. I tell most people starting out to try and make everything balance 1/1/1(protein/carbs/fat). My only fruit is at 5am, otherwise all my carbs come from vegetables. I don't plan cheat meals, but they do happen every once in a while. I think this is more of a lifestyle than a diet. When I go out to eat I still eat within these parameters. You can have fun in life, but you must have balance. We always have meals made in advance so I can eat at all times. Stick it in the microwave and heat for 2 min. Hope this helps and please leave comments.
A not so detailed day in the eating of Chad
5:00am- 2 scoops protein powder, 1 banana, 1 cup milk, & nuts
8:00am- 3 eggs, meat, vegetables, and avocado
11:30am- chicken salad, with broccoli and dressing as a fat(always a balanced lunch)
3:00pm- Meat or chicken with a side of vegetables and nuts
6:00pm- Full dinner
9:30pm- another small meal or protein shake.
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