My Warm-up



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Paleo Story

Thanks Fuel As Rx for a great story about the benefits of Paleo. Continue Reading..

"Once I actually read "The Paleo Diet", "The Paleo Diet for Athletes" and a whole lot of research papers, I was left with one conclusion. I needed to try this 'Paleo thing' for myself.

That leads me to where I am today. I know that the Paleo way of eating makes me feel GREAT, perform better than I ever have, and I rarely if ever get sick. There are a lot of people that think I'm a "little off my rocker", but I'm alright with that. I know how I feel. I also know all the benefits I am getting, from a health and disease prevention standpoint, by eating this way. When I am questioned by others in my profession I simply stick with the facts. It is extremely difficult to argue a diet that promotes eating lean meats, vegetables, fruits and heart healthy fats. It's all there; (carbs, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc.), it's all unprocessed, and it's all backed up with research and most importantly 'real life' experiences - not just mice and monkeys!! "

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