My Warm-up



Thursday, March 18, 2010

Open Up Your Hips

In CrossFit training we use our hips for everything all the time. I know my hip flexors get really sore from all the explosive movements that I make. The hip flexors are a group of muscles that move the hip forward when running and walking. A great deal of stress is applied to this muscle group when sprinting and OLY lifting. Most problems with the hip flexors are due to a lack of flexibility. Imagine someone with a broken arm in a cast. When the cast is removed after eight weeks, the soft tissues around the elbow (muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even skin) will have shortened, and the elbow won't straighten out. It will take stretching over several weeks to restore the ROM(range of motion). So, if the hip is constantly kept in a flexed position ie sitting for hours every day, day after day, the hip flexors will shorten and shrink, limiting your ability to fully extend the hip. Spend time everyday streching out those hip flexors.

1)Lunge forward with knee on floor. Position foot beyond forward knee. Place hands on knee.
2)Straighten hip of rear leg by pushing hips forward. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite side.

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