My Warm-up



Thursday, January 21, 2010


Nutrtion is probably the only difference in the top athletes. What about the Zone diet? I spent a year weighing and measuring all of my meals. I learned a lot about portions and discipline with food during this time, but I no longer weigh and measure my food. I know what portions I need at each meal. I'll be honest with you. I still think that weighing and measuring my food would help my performance, but I don't do it anymore, because I feel it's very close. My guilty conscience tells me that I just don't want fitness bad enough. The other side of my brain tells me that many of the fittest guys in the world don't weigh and measure (or eat strictly paleo foods) either. By the standards of most of my peers I am an exercise nut. But I don't feel that way. I've gone through some crazy WODs, exercised an abnormal degree of discipline in my nutrition, and completely transformed myself in the process. But I know that whatever I do, there are guys out there living their lives with more discipline. And I want to be more like them. But I know that I will always be making compromises. Should I accept these compromises, or should I insist on perfection? Will surrendering at one point lead to a bunch of failures?

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