My Warm-up



Monday, January 4, 2010

Bad Days

Everyday is not always a good day and sometimes it can be a really bad day. Like a bad hair day, I just shave my hair so it's one less bad day.(haha) Nothing works in your favor and everything you do just makes it worse. Sometimes it might be a lack of sleep, stress, or bad eating. We all have those days every now and again. The days we eat all the bad things and drink too much alcohol. We go to Yoga or workout and we just go through the motions. I definitely have days where I find myself presented with certain exercises thinking, "I'm not ever going to get better at this." Well we are getting better everyday we practice. We are getting stronger. Even on our worst days, we are putting in the work that will pay off in the end. What determines your success is not whether or not you have bad days, it is how you react to that bad day. Do you go home and never come back. Do you declare the whole affair a failure? Or do you get up the next day and do it again? You show up and show up and show up until there is no alternative except to be a success. Just apply yourself and the bad days will be less and less. I believe we all create our own priorities and stresses that lead to good or bad days.

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