My Warm-up



Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Put your feet up and stay awhile

A resting pose? Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose). All athletes should do this daily. Why? Because it will release fluid in the legs and stretches the hamstrings, it's the exact opposite of what we do all day. After a good run or a crazy leg workout go put your legs up a wall. There are many benefits of this pose, it’s an inversion, it’s restorative, and it will stimulate the adrenal glands and kidneys and circulation to the lungs.

3 Easy Steps to enter this pose:
1) Sitting down, slide one hip as close as you can to a wall.
2) Swing both legs up the wall so that you are lying on your back and shimmy your rear end as close to the wall as possible. Ideally, both of your sit bones should be against the wall, but if this hurts your hamstrings, slide a few inches away from the wall. Rest your arms on your belly, or stretch them away from you palms up.
3) This is restorative pose, so feel free to hold this for as long as you like. When you have had enough, bend your knees, roll to one side, and rest there, taking a few breaths before getting up.

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