My Warm-up



Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Recycling Fitness

The fitness industry runs in cycles. Concepts are introduced, then debunked when the next best thing comes along. Before the bodybuilding concepts came along, there was functional training. Look at all the strongmen before the 1950's. These guys were like balancing strongmen with very fuctional muscle. Everything old, as they say, is new again. These days, there's an entire genre of "harcore" programs, boot camps, and classes where people shell out money to get back to the basics. We squat, deadlift, clean, snatch, climb ropes, sprint, and jump, and were told we're doing the latest and happening things in fitness. Why would we ever move away from these movements in the first place? How many more times are we going to be fooled into thinking there is an easier way, or some magic pill to get us into shape? You get the results you want by training hard and efficiently on compound movements. CrossFit doesn't claim to have invented anything, they just brought a new twist on things that have been around forever.

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