My Warm-up



Friday, June 29, 2012

Quit Thinking About It

Many of us spend a fair amount of our emotional energy wishing that things were different, rather than accepting what we have. That can look different in different people:  it can be envy (why don’t I have what she has?), anxiety (what will happen if it doesn’t change? I can’t bear it!), resentment (it’s so unfair! I deserve better!), sadness (I don’t have what I want, and I feel sorry for myself), or anger (I am not ok with this, and it needs to be different!).
Essentially, we need to work towards accepting that life is not fair, and does not always work out as we would like, and even though it can be really disappointing, we have to find a way to live the life we have been given, and make the best of what is available.

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