My Warm-up



Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Floppee -vs- The Burpee

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How do you spot a floppee? Even a strong dude like Jason Khalipa has performed a floppee on a video (and been called out on it to boot). The athlete just flops to the ground. The core is relaxed and the arms straighten with the hips and legs eventually catching up. Usually you will seme someone jump their feet back to a closed stance squat (heels sometimes almost touching), which usually means a rounded back and the person on the balls of their feet (the infamous dog squat position). The jump and clap can be almost comical at times. I’ve seen it pulled off with the person barely getting an inch off the ground.

If you are a trainer, and you let this movement be the standard at your gym, you are doing your athletes a disservice. Would you coach a push-up that allows an athlete to relax their core strength during any portion of the movement? Would you allow your athletes to do air squats with their feet close together, their heels off the ground, and and a rounded back? Would you train someone to box jump, clean or snatch by just standing up or would you coach them to explosively open their hips? The Floppee is just that, a sloppy push-up, a sloppy squat, and a lazy jump.

By Freddy C

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