My Warm-up



Saturday, March 20, 2010

Snake Run Results

Chad & Kiah(dog)12 miles in 2:12
Tyler 12 miles in 2:26
It snowed the whole time and there was tons of mud.


  1. Hello Chad,
    Test 1,2 ,3

  2. Hello Chad,
    My name is Neal and I recently attempted to compete in the recent Tulsa, OK sectional. As I was doing my research about what kind of athletes I would be going up against to see if I was ready, I came across your page. That didn't help me with my confidence btw, along with the two guys who introduced me to crossfit and who I train with placed # 2 and # 3 (Paul Smith and Jeff Reed). I knew I was not at that level, but my goal is to get closer. I just wanted to check with you and see if you do whats posted on nextgeneration, or if you do extra heavy lifting. I see you run and do yoga, but I take info from several and put together what works for me. Paul has a gym in El Paso where we went to school and I visit frequently, and Jeff is out of his garage here in Dallas. Paul and I think you, do this full time, Jeff and I work seperate jobs so I have to make adjustments. Anyhow, if you don't mind, from time to time, Ill ask you a couple of questions. If not, I understand you get paid for what you do. Good job on the sectionals and although I didn't finesh top 30, Ill say hello at regionals to you because I'll be there for them.
    Thanks, Neal

  3. Hello Neal,
    Great job on the sectionals brother. I'm glad to answer any questions that you have. I have a full time job as a General Superintendent in highway construction. I follow the Next Generation programming 3 on 1 off. I always work skills and heavy lifts before my CF WOD. I attend 4 Yoga classes a week and 2 endurance training days. I live a very active lifestyle. I play dodgeball, climbing gym, and practice jui-jitsu. Thanks again for your support.

  4. Thanks for your response Chad,
    I can give you my email and/or facebook so I don't comment all over your blogs if you want. I also didn't mean to imply as I was reading back over my original post, that you don't have a career or another job. I thought you were a full time trainer at next generation which allows people to have access to the gym a couple more times a day. I know Paul will lift heavy in the morning, do a WOD in the afternoon, and then work on skills before he leaves in the evening. So I referring to time at the gym full time, and I apologize how that came out. You said 3 on 1 off, so that is what lead me to ask you a couple originally: I know next generation posts everyday, how and what days do you choose to participate? I see some of your posts of comments when I was trying to track your times prior to sectional, and it looked like you did every work out. So I was like, " I'm too beat up to pull that off", so I decided to ask. Thanks again, and holla if you want to connect on the above listed-I meant to introduce myself to you but I was in the 1st heat and had to rest(From the 1st heat pics, the only goof-ball wearing long black tights). I also missed all of Jeff's performances due to that as he was in your same heat (I think). For the record, Im researching to put together a good year of training just to make top 30 next year.
    Thanks Chad- Keep up good work and go get em at
    Regionals! Neal

  5. No problems at all. You can email or post comment. I try to get all my lifting and CF done within the same hour after my warmup. Then in the evenings I like to go to Yoga. This is like doing two different workouts, but the Yoga is more stretching. This programming has worked very well for me. The days I like to participate in the WODs are different week to week. If I see a WOD I like and it's my day off, I'll just do it the next day. Sometimes if it's short I will do 2 WODs within the same training period. Two weeks before the Sectionals I took extra time off then hit hard 3 days before comp, then took 2 days off. I just try to listen to my body and do what works for me.
