My Warm-up



Thursday, February 11, 2010

Burpee Form Standard

Imagine with me for just a minute. You are given a choice of only one exercise to do for the rest of your life. What would you pick? I would pick the burpee. As much as it sucks in a workout, the burpee is by far the greatest bodyweight exercise of all time. When done right, the burpee is a full body workout. Better yet, you need no equipment whatsoever. Have you ever made the excuse that you can’t make it to the gym so you can’t workout? Do 100 burpees. You don’t even have to do them “for time.” continue reading post here:

"6 count burpees"

2.Kick out to plank
3.Chest to the ground
4.Push-up to plank
5.Kick legs up back into a squat
6.Jump at least 6”

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