My Warm-up



Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Resolutions or Goals

Usually I don’t make New Years resolutions. They’ve always seemed so vague or unattainable to me. I do find it amusing that people show up to the gym through January and February and experience the noticeable dropoff of attendance around the beginning of March. Is that because the weather is getting warmer or because of failed resolutions? I do like goal-setting, though, and I think it may be helpful for me to set some goals for my training and fitness for the coming year. As one of the criteria is “timely,” I think that it will make more sense to have a few overarching year-long goals and many smaller monthly goals. So, my first goal for the year is to set monthly goals and check-in on them here on the last day of each month. I know a lot of you do this already, and it seems like a really great way to hold yourself accountable to keep up with your goals.

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Timely

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