My Warm-up



Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mid-line Stability (Sukhasana)

A basic Yoga pose is a cross-legged seated position that begins many yoga classes. For me, it is difficult to maintain a neutral spine in this position, as this is the case for many men. From my own perspective, I have logically decided why I have trouble maintaining this position. A probable reason why I can't hold this position properly is because my hip muscles are tight, particularly the hip rotators. I perform so many different explosive lifts on a daily basis. They are preventing my pelvis from rotating in neutral position, so my lower back muscles have to overwork to stabilize. So, holding the easy cross-legged pose is kind of like a workout for me because my muscles are working against me, rather than for me. This can be a good thing since this is a form of active-stretching. In other words, the weakened and lengthened muscles are working to overcome the stronger shorter muscles, and overtime, my body posture will improve as will my muscle flexibility.


  1. Sit on the edge of a block- or two. This will, hopefully assist your knees to fall lower than your hips, gravity assisted, which will help you achieve the slight arch in your lumbar spine. Additionally, you made need to prop up under your knees. Sounds like over kill but if you are tight there anyway, without support for your knees your hips will work harder to concentrically hold and your hips will become tighter. It's like padding up under the bent knee in pigeon.
